MEEHA Programs
Comparison of EmPOWER and GHGRP Programs
Affordability Requirements
| A minimum of 20% of households must be 80% AMI or less | A minimum of 51% of households must be 80% AMI or less |
Project Eligibility | All building sizes and configurations including: Single family units as a group project, Individually metered, or Master metered buildings | Existing buildings with 35,000 gross sf of floor area or more, excluding parking garages. |
Service Territory | Electric and Gas Utility Territory: Baltimore Gas and Electric, Delmarva, PEPCO, Potomac Edison, SMECO, Washington Gas Light | State of Maryland |
Use of Funds | To reduce electric or gas consumption. Limited health and safety or incidental repairs in projects completing measures that reduce electric or gas consumption. Gas reducing measures are allowed to be funded if the customer is in the BGE or WGL utility territory only. | Reduce direct greenhouse gas emissions through replacing fossil fuel equipment with electric equipment. Building energy conservation and alternative energy generating systems. |
Program Funding | $134.9M for CY 2024 - 2026 | $8.75M FY24, $5M each fiscal year FY 25-26 |
Funding Process
Applications are accepted on an on-going basis and evaluated based on readiness to proceed, energy savings, and reduction of greenhouse gasses. The funding process consists of the following steps.
- Submit application and application documents
- Commission energy auditor to complete energy audit
- Energy auditor enters measures into MINT software to request funding
- Execute Funding Agreement
- Install Funded Measures
- Requisition for Funds
The funding process starts by submitting an application through the online portal and uploading the required application documents. The application will be reviewed and approved by a program team member who will contact the applicant to discuss the next steps in the funding process.
Applicants must submit supporting documentation to the Department as outlined on the application. The following is the list of documents required to be submitted prior to funding:
- Projects seeking MEEHA funding in addition to Rental Lending Financing only need to provide a copy of the project’s 202 Application.
- Projects seeking MEEHA funding only:
- Grantee Signature Block
- Grantee Notice Address
SDAT Property Ownership Check
SDAT Status Check (Owner)
SDAT Status Check (Grantee – if different from owner)
Minority Business Enterprise Form -
ACH Direct Deposit Form - must be submitted to the Comptroller of Maryland
- W-9 Form (for the Grantee)
- Additional documents needed for EmPower funded projects:
- Commercial Utility Bill (Electric and Gas if Applicable)
Customer Consent to Obtain Energy Use Information Form (Commercial Electric and Gas Accounts)
- Additional documents needed for GHGRP funded projects:
- Proof of Affordability (Regulatory Agreement or Tax Covenant)
- If a Regulatory Agreement or Tax Covenant does not currently exist, DHCD will create a regulatory agreement that will be recorded for projects that are awarded program funds. To create a Regulatory Agreement, the program requires the following document:
- Project Legal Description - attached as an exhibit to the property deed.
Energy Audit and Review
The energy audit must be completed by a
Qualified Energy Auditor. The energy audit consists of an on-site evaluation to collect information about the existing conditions of the project. The Qualified Energy Auditor enters information collected during the on-site evaluation into MINT software to estimate energy savings and request funding for eligible measures according to established
Program Guidance. The Qualified Energy Auditor will provide the Applicant with a report that states the scope of work and requested funding amounts for the project.
The MINT software will notify DCHD that funding has been requested for the measures entered into MINT. DHCD reviews these measures and the requested funding amounts. Measures and funding amounts will be approved or adjusted to meet program requirements.
If the Project Owner accepts the finalized funding amount and scope of work, DHCD will create a funding agreement to be executed by the respective parties. After agreement execution, the project can begin construction.
Install Funded Measures and Requisition of Funds
Funds are disbursed during the course of construction as work is completed. Requisitions are completed on a MEEHA requisition form and require supporting documentation verifying the installation and specifications of funded energy efficiency measures. Requisitions are submitted to DHCD and a sample of the requisitioned items are inspected. DHCD will process the approved requisition for payment.
Note: Payments typically take 4-6 weeks to process. Filing a completed
ACH Direct Deposit Form with Maryland’s Comptroller’s Office may reduce this time period.
Qualified Energy Auditors
To become a Qualified Energy Auditor, the applicant must hold a current Building Performance Institute Multifamily Building Analyst Certification, and one other current building science certification, as well as demonstrate their experience completing energy audits on multifamily residential buildings by submitting copies of 3 energy audit reports they have previously completed.
To establish best practices and guidance for conducting the energy audit, the Department has adopted the use of the Department’s
MEEHA Program Guide and
Building Performance Institute’s Technical Standards for the Multifamily Building Analyst Professional.
Helpful Information and Other Resources
Contact Information
Housing and Building Energy Programs
Community Development Administration
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road, Lanham, MD 20706
Preston Thomas, Energy Program Manager
P: 301-429-7784
Scott Falvey, Senior Energy Program Manager
P: 301-429-7739