Lead Hazard Reduction Grant and Loan Program

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development provides funds to assist homeowners and landlords lessen the​ risk of lead poisoning and preserve the housing stock by reducing or eliminating lead-based paint hazards.​​

Eligible Applicants​​

  • Applicants ​must be​ a Maryland resident, if an owner-occupant and own and occupy the dwelling to be repaired as a principal residence.
  • Residential rental properties and licensed residential childcare facilities.
  • The financial assistance provided (grant or loan) will be based on the applicant’s ability to repay and where they live. Grants are available in certain target areas. There are no income limits for this program in targeted areas, elsewhere the limit is 80% of Area Median Income (AMI).

Eligible Properties

This program funds lead hazard reduction activities in owner-occupied single family homes and rental properties if the units meet the minimum program requirements. These requirements include, but are not limited to: the units must be in need of lead hazard reduction activity; structurally sound upon completion of the lead hazard reduction activity; and registered with the Maryland Department of the Environment Lead Poisoning Prevention Program​. Licensed childcare facilities may also be eligible.

Eligible Improvements

Eligible costs may include any activity required to meet the risk reduction standards identified in Environment Article 6-815 (i.e., door and window treatments and replacement; floor treatments; paint removal, stabilization and repainting; encapsulation; enclosure; and specialized cleaning), any innovative lead hazard reduction method which is approved by the department, and any other lead-related costs required to meet the lead dust clearance standards.

The work plan must fully address all of the lead hazards present in the project. General property improvements or rehabilitation required to bring property up to applicable building codes and standards and the cost associated with repairing minor structural deficiencies are not eligible costs.

Additional Resources

The following agencies may be contacted for more information about community education and recent lead paint laws and regulations:

Special Loan Program Local County Contacts. Special Loan Program Partners provide Program and Application information on the Lead Hazard Reduction Grant and Loan Program.

Maryland Department of the Environment, Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. Provides information about State accreditation and training laws for contractors, registration of rental properties, acceptable abatement and lead hazard techniques, and accredited lead abatement training facilities - 410-537-4199.​

Green & Healthy Homes Initiative. Provides community education and outreach information concerning new State laws and regulations and the tenant and landlord responsibilities - 410-534-6447.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Lead Information Center. Provides information about lead poisoning and prevention for the general public - 800-532-3394. In addition, Clearinghouse Information Specialists can be reached at 800-424-LEAD (800-424-5323).

Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home brochure​.

More Information

CONTACT: Special Loan Programs
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road, 3rd Floor, Lanham, MD 20706
E: DHCD.SpecialLoans@maryland.gov​
P: (301) 429-7409 | Toll Free (Maryland Only): 877-218-8101
TTY: 711 or 1-800-735-2258

See Payoff Requests​ for payoff information.


Rehabilitation 2024​ ​Income Limits​​​​​​​