Energy Grants for Homeowners and Renters
Making sure your property is energy efficient, will provide savings on your monthly utility bills, increase comfort, and livability of your home. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development offers programs that provide homeowners and renters of all income levels with the resources to improve their home’s energy efficiency. Our programs can help with insulation, hot water system improvements, furnace repair or replacement, renewable energy systems, and other health and safety enhancements.
What’s Next?
After we receive your application, we will qualify you for as many funding sources as possible. If your eligibility is confirmed, you will receive a letter from DHCD with your assigned contractor. You may contact them to schedule your in-home energy assessment or wait for them to contact you within 30 days. The assessment will identify the savings potential in your home and prioritize the most effective ways to reduce your energy costs while increasing comfort in the home. Finally, the contractor will complete the recommended work, at no cost to you.
Energy Grant Programs
Our team will automatically combine all applicable programs for you, but if you would like to learn more about the individual requirements for each funding source, please visit the following programs.

Helps limited income households with installation of energy conservation materials in their homes at no charge.

Helps eligible limited income households across the state with the installation of energy conservation materials in their homes. These measures reduce energy costs while ensuring health and safety. Priority is given to the elderly, persons with disabilities, and families with children.
Helps limited income households achieve more comfortable homes with the repair or replacement of heating, cooling, and water heating systems.