Reinvest Baltimore

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​Reinvest Baltimore is a coordinated effort between the State of Maryland, Baltimore City, and nonprofit and for-profit partners to eliminate concentrations of vacant properties, revitalize neighborhoods and maximize the economic potential and quality of life for residents in Baltimore City.

Governor Moore’s executive order​ calls for the establishment of the Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Council (BVRC) which will tap key community, corporate, philanthropic and government leaders to leverage targeted investments to move at least 5,000 vacant properties into homeownership or other positive outcomes over the next five years (Fiscal Year 2025 to Fiscal Year 2029).

Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Dashboard

Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Dashboard​

The vacancy dashboard provides data to demonstrate the progress of State DHCD’s and Baltimore City’s efforts to eliminate vacant property, revitalize neighborhoods, and enhance economic opportunity in Baltimore City.

Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Council

Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Council

Under the Reinvest Baltimore initiative, Governor Wes Moore established the Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Council (BVRC) which taps key community, corporate, philanthropic and government leaders to leverage targeted investments to move at least 5,000 vacant properties into homeownership or other positive outcomes, such as demolition and stabilization, between Fiscal Year 2025 to Fiscal Year 2029.

Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Initiative

Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Initiative

The Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Initiative provides public and nonprofit partners in Baltimore City grant funding to address vacant properties through acquisition, stabilization, demolition and other pre-development activities, clearing the way for new green space or affordable housing and mixed-use developments.