The application for Project Restore 2.0 is closed.
Project Restore 2.0 (FY 2024) Award List
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) activates vacant buildings, supports small businesses, creates jobs, improves commercial corridors, and increases local economic activity by providing financial support to
place-based economic development organizations working to improve the vitality of Maryland’s commercial corridors. Small businesses are not eligible to apply to Project Restore 2.0.
Project Restore 2.0 is currently closed. At this time another round of the program is uncertain.
You can
sign up for DHCD's news and alerts to be notified when other grant programs become available, including the
Business Boost Microgrant program and
State Revitalization Programs.
More Information
Jessica DeGaine
Project Manager, Community and Economic Development Partnerships
Division of Neighborhood Revitalization
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
2 North Charles Street, Suite 450
Baltimore, MD 21201