The Housing Innovation Pilot Program (HIPP) was established through the
Housing Innovation Pilot Program Act of 2024 to provide low- or no-interest loans to local housing authorities or to county governments partnering with housing developers through the Housing Innovation Fund (Fund).
In addition, the Fund may be used for projects where a county, in conjunction with a local housing authority or a housing developer, purchases existing privately owned housing to create opportunities for public housing authorities and county governments to increase the volume of housing production and reward counties pursuing innovative solutions to the problem of housing scarcity.
Eligible Types of Housing
New construction and acquisition or rehabilitation of rental housing are eligible activities. Rental housing may include apartment buildings, townhouses, single-family homes, single room occupancy buildings and shared housing facilities. Proposed projects must provide mixed-income, cross-subsidized housing in which:
- At least 20% of the units are set aside for households with a gross annual income of 50% or less of the area median income; or
- At least 40% of the units are set aside for households with a gross annual income of 60% or less of the area median income.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include public housing authorities or county governments partnering with a housing developer.
Also, a county, in conjunction with a local housing authority or housing developer can apply to use the fund to purchase existing privately owned housing.
Request for Proposals
The Request for Proposals (RFP), including scoring criteria, and application materials can be found under application documents in the
Multifamily Housing Development Document Library.
More Information
CONTACT: Housing Innovation Pilot Program
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Rd
Lanham, MD 20706
P: 301-429-7854
Toll Free (Maryland Only): 1-800-543-4505