Green and Healthy Task Force

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​As mandated by the passage of HB169, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development established the Green and Healthy Task Force in July 2023, which will meet quarterly for a period of three years. The purpose of the task force is to advance the alignment, branding, and coordination of resources to more effectively deliver green and healthy housing for low-income households in the State, examine the public and private resources needed to address the housing needs of low-income communities, develop policy and statutory recommendations to eliminate barriers to low-income households achieving healthy, energy-efficient, affordable, and low-emission housing and engage with interested parties and collaborate with other entities that can help advance the goals of the task force, including experts in the field of healthy, energy-efficient, and low-emission housing.

On or before July 1, 2024, and each July 1 through 2027, the task force shall report its findings and recommendations to the Secretary of Health, the Secretary of the Environment, the Commission, the Governor, and, in accordance with §2-1257 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly.

Task Force Members

Chair: The Secretary of Housing and Community Development, or the Secretary’s designeeDHCDJake DaySecretary, DHCD
Deputy ChairDHCDRobyne ChaconasDeputy Director, CDA programs, DHCD
Two members of the Senate of Maryland, appointed by the president of the SenateSenateAlonzo WashingtonSenator, District 22
Two members of the House of Delegates, appointed by the speaker of the houseHouseDana SteinDelegate, District 11B
HouseNick AllenDelegate, District 8
The Secretary of Human Services, or the Secretary’s designeeDHSRafael LopezSecretary, DHS
The Director of the Maryland Energy Administration, or the Director’s designeeMEAEric CoffmanMEA, Division Director of Energy Programs​
One representative of the Office of People’s CounselOPCCarissa RalbovskyAdministrator
One representative of the Maryland Affordable Housing TrustMAHTKecia CampbellProgram Administrator
One representative of the Green and Healthy Homes InitiativeGHHIRuth Ann NortonPresident and CEO
One representative of Maryland Energy Efficiency AdvocatesMEEAJim GrevattManaging Consultant
One member who is an expert in public healthMDHCliff MitchellDirector, Environmental Health Bureau
One representative from affordable housing developmentEnterprise Community Development Inc.Christine MadiganInterim President, Enterprise Community Development
Statewide Weatherization contractorTotal Home PerformanceMatthew HargroveOwner
One member from a community concerned with environmental justiceCity of BaltimoreAva Richardson​Sustainability Director, Dept. of Planning
One member who has received assistance from a low–income program that delivers energy savingsVacant
​One member from a Local Weatherization AgencyHoward County Community Action CouncilGary ChristopherWeatherization Director
One member from the Maryland Department of the EnvironmentMDEChris MentzerBuilding Decarbonization Specialist


Upcoming Meetings

  • June 17, 2025 at 2:00pm
  • September 16, 2025 at 2:00pm
  • December 16, 2025 at 2:00pm

The meetings are accessible at the link below on the scheduled dates and time for each.

Google Meet joining info:

Past Meetings​