Interactive Mapping & Dashboards


​​​​​Maryland Evictions Dashboard​

The Maryland Evictions Dashboard​ provides detailed information on evictions based on data provided by the Maryland District Court system each month. Maryland District Courts began collecting case-level eviction data on January 1, 2023, as required by legislation enacted during the 2022 Regular Session.  

​​​Project C.O.R.E Mapper

Project C.O.R.E. or Creating Opportunities for Revitalization and Equity, means a new canvas for Baltimore, clearing the way for new green space, new affordable and mixed use housing, new and greater opportunities for small business owners to innovate and grow. The initiative will generate jobs, strengthen the partnership between the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland and lead to safer, healthier and more attractive spaces for families to live and put down roots.   

Project C.O.R.E Mapper   

Maryland Mortgage Program Mapper

Single Family Mapper has been designed to help prospect buyers locate addresses and find out if they fall in any incentive zones. These incentive zones can help determine what programs they qualify for.   

Maryland Mortgage Program Mapper   

Neighborhood Revitalization Mapper (Sustainable Communities)

The Neighborhood Revitalization Mapper will help users to determine if an address is located in a particular incentive zone (existing communities identified for revitalization and investment). Additional map features include drawing, labeling, property ownership identification and printing in pdf and jpeg. Incentive zones administered by the Division of Neighborhood Revitalization include Sustainable Communities, Main Streets and Maple Streets; however, this map also includes Arts and Entertainment Districts, Heritage Areas and other incentive areas.   

Neighborhood Revitalization Award Mapper​​

The Neighborhood Revitalization Award Mapper provides detailed information on all DHCD Neighborhood Revitalization programs and projects from FY 2019-present including information on location, award amount, project name and project description.   

Multifamily Mapper

The Multifamily Mapper has been designed to provide key information regarding multifamily rental developments that have received financing from the Department of Housing and Community Development. The developments included in this mapping program include properties that were either renovated or newly constructed using financing from the Department and other sources.   

Opportunity Zones Mapper

The Opportunity Zone program is a nationwide initiative administered by the U.S. Treasury created under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The program provides federal tax incentives for investment in distressed communities over the next 10 years. Areas designated as Opportunity Zones will be able to reap the benefits of capital gains to help redevelop underserved communities. The Opportunity Zones Mapper shows the 149 census tracts nominated as Opportunity Zones by Maryland.   

Give Maryland Dashboard

Give Maryland provides an opportunity for individual donors to connect directly with nonprofits that have available tax credits and are working in their communities. By making a charitable contribution to one of these nonprofits individuals can:   

  • Reduce their Maryland tax liability
  • Help a local nonprofit organization achieve an essential community goal
  • Make a targeted impact in their community

Give Maryland Dashboard   

Broadband Data Dashboard

The Office of Statewide Broadband's​ mission is to ensure that every Marylander has equal access and the necessary skills to leverage digital resources, technologies, and opportunities regardless of their resources, background location or abilities. This dashboard illustrates and outlines funds allocated to new infrastructure, expansion, and digital equity.   

The Broadband Data Dashboard gives Marylanders a visual representation of allocated state funds, partnered with private sector and local jurisdictions, utilized to reduce and eventually eliminate the number of communities and residents underserved by the current digital divide.   

Broadband Mapping Hub

The Broadband Hub provides access to mapping viewers, supports broadband planning and decision-making, and links resources for Maryland residents and broadband providers. This resource may be used to learn about how Maryland is analyzing data and existing broadband services to plan for increased service and broadband expansion.   

  • Maryland Broadband Explorer allows the user to search for broadband service at a specific address. The name of the provider available in your area is shown.
  • Data Collection Compare Tool allows users to compare the difference between Maryland Broadband Data Collection and FCC Broadband Data Collection.
  • Grant Awards Dashboard displays the Office of Statewide Broadband’s awards.