SSBCI Neighborhood BusinessWorks Programs

NBW Loan Participation Program

Are you a small business looking for a new home or looking for expansion opportunities? We have below market rates and if you qualify we can lend up to $5 million on your new space. The Loan Participation Program is designed to assist businesses with working capital and owner-occupied real estate acquisition.


  • ​Less than 500 employees
  • Proof of private capital match:
    • Target private capital to SSBCI funds match is 4:1 (or 80-20) for non-SEDI/VSB
    • Target private capital to SSBCI funds match is 2.3:1 (or 70-30) for SEDI/VSB
  • Minimum required private capital to SSBCI funds match is 1:1


  • ​Senior or Junior Debt
  • SSBCI portion of loan: $350,000 to $5,000,000
    • (For loans less than $3​50,000 please see the SSBCI Participating CDFIs section to apply to a CDFI program)
  • Up to 30% program match
  • Interest rate is based on an underwriting analysis
  • Flexible loan terms up to 30 years, depending on use and loan amount
  • Flexible applicant cash contribution is required
  • Personal guarantees and collateral are required
  • Prepayment lockout period may be applicable

Who Can Apply​

Small businesses operating in Maryland with less than 500 employees. Priority is given to very small businesses (<10 employees) and SEDI individuals who own or operate for-profit or nonprofit Maryland-based small businesses (as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration​). Local governments are not eligible applicants.         

Eligible Projects and Uses of Funds

  • ​Owner occupied real estate acquisition or renovation
  • Mixed-use projects combining residential and commercial uses in the same building
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Certain other costs associated with sustaining or expanding a small business
  • Manufacturing, Service providers, retail, office or mixed use

Business Criteria

  • Business located or to be located in a CDFI Investment area
  • Business viability and potential impact on the neighborhood
  • Readiness to proceed
  • Cash flow and collateral
  • Priority is given to very small businesses and SEDI owned and operated businesses

The following types of projects and activities will not be considered for financing:         

  • Residential or transient living facilities (other than mixed-use projects described in eligible projects section)
  • Facilities such as community halls, fire stations, hospitals, colleges or universities
  • Adult bookstores, adult video shops, other adult entertainment facilities, gambling facilities, gun shops, liquor stores, massage parlors, pawn shops, tanning salons, or tattoo parlors
  • Businesses that are engaged in:
  • speculative trading on price fluctuations like commodities, wildcatting
  • pyramid schemes
  • unlawful businesses as deemed by the federal laws or local jurisdiction
  • gambling activities


Applicants must complete an SSBCI Neighborhood BusinessWorks loan application package. Upon loan approval an applicant will receive a commitment letter from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. Loan approval requires that applicants meet underwriting guidelines. Applicants must have executed the necessary legal documents prior to disbursement of the loan proceeds.    

  • SSBCI NBW Fees: $250 application fee and $250 closing fee

​​​NBW Lo​an to Lender Program

Designed for Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) for relending to small businesses combined with the required private capital match (Targeted loan of up to $350,000). The loan focuses on businesses owned and operated by Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individuals (SEDI), Very Small Businesses (VSB) and CDFI Investment Areas.​


  • CDFIs only​
  • Proof of private capital to match from a qualified private source​
    • For non-SEDI businesses and those with ≥10 employees, Goal of 4:1
    • For SEDI businesses or those with <10 employees, targeted private capital match to SSBCI funds ratio of 2.3:1 (or 70-30)
  • CDFIs must have 20% at risk
  • Priority: SEDI businesses, and very small business (<10 employees)


  • Loan Size based on capacity ($500,0000 - $15,000,000)
  • Applications processed on a first come / first served basis​

Apply Now     

​​​NBW Venture Funds Program

The Venture Funds Program is dedicated to funding and growing the next generation of outstanding early-stage businesses in Maryland.     

The program is designed to assist businesses with high potential job growth that have already raised equity from early-stage investors and are seeking new investors to support reaching the next equity raise. Most companies are positioned to scale and are in need of bridge financing to achieve milestones. Typical bridge rounds are >$2,000,000.     


  • Less than 500 employees
  • Minimum required private capital match to SSBCI funds ratio 1:1
  • Target matching private capital to SSBCI funds > 2:1
  • Existing Paid-In-Capital >$2,000,000 or revenues > $1,000,000
  • Businesses must be located in a CDFI Investment area
  • Priority is given to very small businesses (<10 employees) and SEDI owned and operated businesses


  • SSBCI must be on at least on a pari passu basis with the private capital match
  • SSBCI funds must cause and result in the private capital match
  • Venture Debt rates with repayment in principal and interest or a convertible note
  • Target SSBCI portion of venture debt: $500,000 to $2,500,000
  • Aggregate Funding Round < $20,000,000

If interested, please email     


All applications must include the following:     

  • A current business plan supporting your bridge financing
  • Identified source of the private capital match
  • Historical financials, 3 years or less if business formed less than 3 years ago up to 3 years
  • A capitalization table
  • An existing term sheet from an a private capital match provider (investor), if available.

If you have any questions about the Venture Funds Program, contact:
Frank Dickson, Director of Strategic Initiatives     

SS​BCI Participating CDFIs

The Maryland SSBCI program provides loans to CDFIs to re-lend to small businesses owned and operated by SEDI Individuals and located in CDFI Investment Areas. These lenders are listed as a resource for eligible businesses. Please click on the links below to apply.   

For More Information

For more information on eligible businesses and projects, review the FAQs on the Resources page