Homelessness Solutions Program (HSP)

​​​​​The Homelessness Solutions Program (HSP) serves as a statewide response to address the issue of homelessness in Maryland, providing technical support and funding to Continuums of Care (CoCs) and Local Homeless Coalitions (LHCs), which coordinate funding and resources for service providers across the state. Households seeking assistance with housing and homelessness should reach out to their local CoC or housing and homeless services hotline, for ​contact ​information view list of homeless services.

Who Can Apply​?

Lead agencies for the 16 Maryland Continuums of Care (CoC) and Local Homeless Coalitions (LHCs) are invited to apply for HSP funding on behalf of homeless services providers in their community.

Eligible Projects​

HSP funds can be used for the following homeless services and activities:

  • Street Outreach
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Rapid Rehousing
  • Homeless Prevention
  • PSH Case Management
  • HMIS
  • Administrative Cost


​The Notice of Funding Availability and Application materials for the State Fiscal Year 2025 / Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Homelessness Solutions Program are now available. Applications must be submitted to Project Portal no later than May 8th, 2024 at 5pm.

Potential applicants should carefully read the Application Guidance first before downloading and completing the appropriate form(s). Applications are submitted on-line via Project Portal​​. Please review​ the application training slides and contact your project manager if you have any questions.

Please note that MD DHCD strongly encourages using Internet Explorer as your web browser when using Project Portal.

Reports and Publications

We are very proud of the daily hard work that goes into our goal of ending homelessness in Maryland. Learn more about the work of Maryland’s Interagency Council on Homelessness or review their most recent Annual Report on Homelessness.

Registration Requirement ​for Shelter Providers Serving Unaccompanied Minors

Effective July 1, 2020, any public or private nonprofit organization that provides shelter or supportive services to minors in need of shelter must register with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. There is no cost associated with registering with the state; however, there are several assurances that must be met to meet statutory requirements.

F​or ​More Information​

CONTACT: LaToya Arnold-Artis
Assistant Director, Homelessness Solutions Program
Division of Homeless Solutions
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road​
Lanham, Maryland 20706
E: LaToya.Arnold-Artis@maryland.gov
P: 301-429-7956