Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Program


The Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Program aims to provide affordable funding to address critical health and safety issues and bring properties into an agreement with applicable building codes and standards.

Eligible Types of Housing

Program funds may be used to assist in the rehabilitation of owner-occupied single-family homes.

Eligible Applicants

​Household income of owner-occupants of single-family homes cannot exceed 80 percent of the statewide or Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Statistical Area median income.               

Addressable Items

  • ​​​​Mold Remediation
  • Gas leaks
  • Roof repair and replacement, Gutters
  • Asbestos abatement
  • Vermiculite removal
  • Lead abatement
  • Combustion appliance repair and replacement for Health and Safety concerns, including gas ranges, domestic water heaters, and space heat.
  • Chimney Repair
  • Foundation and sub-space water-proofing, and drainage, inclusive of bulk water mitigation by drain tile, sump pump, and minor grading.
  • Radon mitigation
  • Electrical hazard, Knob, and tube removal, inclusive of necessary service upgrades.
  • Electrical upgrades for future home electrification. (<100A to 200A upgrades)
  • Plumbing issues
  • Water and well
  • Septic and sewer
  • Windows and doors only for H&S, water intrusion, and security.
  • Structural repair - atrophy, rot, insect, settling, storm-related
  • Access for disabled and seniors, inclusive of Chair lifts, handicap ramps, bars, railings, and doors.
  • Fall and injury prevention (handrails, rubber treads, bathroom grab bars)
  • Ductwork upgrades and installations (primarily for solid fuel-burning households- Mainly in Allegany and Garrett counties)
  • Building shell stabilization (i.e. repair/replace missing sheetrock on exterior walls, point up deteriorated masonry that allows for water infiltration)
  • Pest treatments (rats, roaches, and mice)

Available Funding and Loan Terms

Loans have interest rates based on the income of tenants served and the projected income available to repay the loan. Generally, the maximum loan is $50, 000. Loans in excess of $5,000 or with deferred payments are secured by a mortgage. Interest rates range from 0% to 6% and are based on the applicant's ability to pay. The maximum loan term is 30 years. Loans that serve families with incomes at or below 50 percent of the statewide or Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Statistical Area median income may have deferred payments if necessary for project feasibility.

Local Government Involvement

Generally, all loan requests are processed directly by local governments for properties within their jurisdiction.          

How to Apply

Applicants should contact their local housing office (see list of ​​​​local contacts by County​​​) or the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development's Special Loan Programs at (301) ​429-7409 (within the Baltimore area) or 877-218-8101.

Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Program loans are originated, packaged, and closed by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Special Loan Program's network of local administering agencies. The network includes the county housing and community development offices as well as nonprofit organizations.

Provide Contractor and a Scope of Work

​Applicants provide a work proposal for the critical repairs by a licensed and insured Maryland Home Improvement contractor or other trade professionals, along with photos documenting the issues.           

To aid the applicants in finding a contractor, we provide the following links​:          

For both of these resources, type the trade that you need and the location.           

Provide Contractor Documentation

For the protection of the applicant, any contractor working within the program will be required to provide these documents along with the application.             

  • Current MHIC License or Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC license, etc. Trade License Query
  • COI - Certificate of Liability Insurance
  • Letter of Good Standing - Maryland BusinessExpress company search
  • W-9, completed and signed by the contractor. The address on this form is where payments will be sent. Form W-9 (Rev. October 2018)


More Information

CONTACT: Special Loan Programs
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
7800 Harkins Road, 3rd Floor, Lanham, MD 20706
P: (301) 429-7409​ | Toll Free (Maryland Only): 877-218-8101​
TTY 711 or 1-800-735-2​258​

See Payoff Requests for payoff contact ​information.